
Tired of crying

I'm so tired of being treated like crap by my manager. I am aware she is under a lot of pressure and wants results in areas I'm weak in, but I am among the best sales persons in my company when measured against people as new as I am. Multiple people above her have told me so, I am even in the running for an award, but every time someone tells me I am doing a good job I am shocked, because all I hear every week from her is demands and threats to write me up for the things I am not succeeding in. I am a people pleaser, I want her to be proud of me, to celebrate my achievements, but all I hear is her frustration, her stress, and demands. Too many days I've gone home feeling nauseous, anxious, and depressed because of work. I need this…

I'm so tired of being treated like crap by my manager. I am aware she is under a lot of pressure and wants results in areas I'm weak in, but I am among the best sales persons in my company when measured against people as new as I am. Multiple people above her have told me so, I am even in the running for an award, but every time someone tells me I am doing a good job I am shocked, because all I hear every week from her is demands and threats to write me up for the things I am not succeeding in. I am a people pleaser, I want her to be proud of me, to celebrate my achievements, but all I hear is her frustration, her stress, and demands. Too many days I've gone home feeling nauseous, anxious, and depressed because of work. I need this job, I don't have enough experience yet to get another one in this field, there aren't any other opportunities in my area, and I have student loans, car loans, and a mortgage to deal with, as well as aging parents and kids to take care of, but god, I wish I didn't have to work like this. If I can get through a few more years I can start applying for other jobs with better management in a better area, but for now I'm chained.

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