
Tired of working

Let me just preface this by saying I love my current job. It's a wonderful place to work. However, that wonder has begun to dwindle. My manager for some reason has what seems like a superiority complex and loves to belittle me wherever she goes. Even to the point of interrupting me mid sentence just to tell me how “wrong” I am. Example being: Me:hey. For these shirts do you- Boss: put them in that empty spot. Now. Me:ok cool I was just wondering if you- Boss, in a judgemental tone:no. Do it. Now. It's her attitude that gets me. Even if I'm minding my business just folding clothes. She will approach and say “what do you think you're doing?” To which I would usually respond with “working” or “folding” in usually an unsure manner. Because why would she question my work ethic? She literally has no reason to And…

Let me just preface this by saying I love my current job. It's a wonderful place to work. However, that wonder has begun to dwindle.
My manager for some reason has what seems like a superiority complex and loves to belittle me wherever she goes. Even to the point of interrupting me mid sentence just to tell me how “wrong” I am.
Example being:
Me:hey. For these shirts do you-
Boss: put them in that empty spot. Now.
Me:ok cool I was just wondering if you-
Boss, in a judgemental tone:no. Do it. Now.

It's her attitude that gets me. Even if I'm minding my business just folding clothes. She will approach and say “what do you think you're doing?” To which I would usually respond with “working” or “folding” in usually an unsure manner. Because why would she question my work ethic? She literally has no reason to

And you wanna know what my manager does ALL day? She finds a table in the store, lounges herself there and proceeds to basically slack off for HOURS.

I'm thinking of quitting. Because the sheer hostility, the unmotivated atmosphere growing more apparent. And just…the burnout. It's too much. However, I need the money…
Sorry for the rant.

TLDR work is starting to suck, thinking of quitting but I need money

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