
Tired of working! Who else is burned out?

Why am I so burned out? I don’t know. I’ve been working since I was 15 and only took a 2 month break for maternity leave. I’m now 46 and I’m just over it. I can’t explain it nor can I resolve it. I’ve read inspiring books, watched motivational videos, prayed and changed employers. I’ve had a great career. I have 2 degrees, 20 years working in higher education and I’m still working in higher Ed. I love the work I do but not working…. if that makes sense. And I work from home. I mean it’s dream. My life is full: happily married, 2 great adult sons, a new grandson and a nice home, cars, bills are paid and I’m in good health. I couldn’t be more blessed. I can’t afford not to work so I keep grinding everyday yet I am drained. At work, I’m professional and well…

Why am I so burned out?
I don’t know.

I’ve been working since I was 15 and only took a 2 month break for maternity leave. I’m now 46 and I’m just over it. I can’t explain it nor can I resolve it. I’ve read inspiring books, watched motivational videos, prayed and changed employers. I’ve had a great career. I have 2 degrees, 20 years working in higher education and I’m still working in higher Ed. I love the work I do but not working…. if that makes sense. And I work from home. I mean it’s dream.

My life is full: happily married, 2 great adult sons, a new grandson and a nice home, cars, bills are paid and I’m in good health. I couldn’t be more blessed. I can’t afford not to work so I keep grinding everyday yet I am drained.

At work, I’m professional and well respected but underneath I’m thinking..can I just not work.

I’ve noticed that my mindset is shifting from purposeful work to it’s a means to a paycheck. I know that’s wrong but I just can’t shake it.

Am I the only one who feels this way? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Are they similar?

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