
To all young people that are realising they will have to work for a significant amount of their life and feel enslaved

This is inspired by the 13yr old that posted here and just realised the fact that he would have to work Monday to Friday till retirement, if that ever comes. I completely understand your perspective and feeling. I had the same when I first entered the workforce. However, to put it a bit into perspective: regardless of where you live (US or EU) you are born in the best time period possible for humanity. Just 200 years ago you would have had to work from 6 years old to death and 500 years ago life would have been completely, unimaginably different.Yes, you have to work and that will cost you a lot of your most valuable asset: time.On the other hand, even for a lower class income, compared to other humans in the past you will live your days in relative luxury with enough food, a roof over your head…

This is inspired by the 13yr old that posted here and just realised the fact that he would have to work Monday to Friday till retirement, if that ever comes.

I completely understand your perspective and feeling. I had the same when I first entered the workforce.

However, to put it a bit into perspective: regardless of where you live (US or EU) you are born in the best time period possible for humanity. Just 200 years ago you would have had to work from 6 years old to death and 500 years ago life would have been completely, unimaginably different.Yes, you have to work and that will cost you a lot of your most valuable asset: time.On the other hand, even for a lower class income, compared to other humans in the past you will live your days in relative luxury with enough food, a roof over your head and a lot of the modern conveniences we invented. Hell, compare yourself with someone currently living in rural Africa.

But what can you do to improve? The tip I wish I would have had at your age is: invest invest invest! As soon as you start earning money put aside at least 20% and do that for literally every income you will ever get. As soon as you are 18 start putting all that money into a low cost index fund (like S&P500 in the US) and keep doing that. The 20% will be manageable because you don't know better en with compounding interest from a very young age you can retire (depending on where you live an what you make) years to decades earlier and have the feeling of financial independence and freedom. Likely at ~40 to 50.

On a personal level it might help to look into a philosophy of life like Stoicism that can really help you to accept your lot in life, compare less to others and to strive to be a good human.

Life is tough but you can get a lot out of it. Remember: you only got the one life so make something out of it!

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