
To busy and ambitious to work

I have a job to pay the bills, but then work gets in the way of things that I am working on but don't make money, and it was hard for me to get that job. Every day I wake up, go to work, stand around, and get lectured by customers and co-workers when I have a billion other things to do. Need money to survive, but to survive means not living. Now, some people might say “cause capitalism”, but I don't believe that. I think if we had socialism, the government could just make us work and do what they want and we would be in the same boat, or worse. I have to fix my house. I want to write a book. and much more. 2 days off isn't enough, and having to stand around and do nothing all day sucks. because it's just as tiring as physical…

I have a job to pay the bills, but then work gets in the way of things that I am working on but don't make money, and it was hard for me to get that job.

Every day I wake up, go to work, stand around, and get lectured by customers and co-workers when I have a billion other things to do.

Need money to survive, but to survive means not living.

Now, some people might say “cause capitalism”, but I don't believe that. I think if we had socialism, the government could just make us work and do what they want and we would be in the same boat, or worse.

I have to fix my house. I want to write a book. and much more. 2 days off isn't enough, and having to stand around and do nothing all day sucks. because it's just as tiring as physical work (in ways and I have worked labor jobs).

Gets harder as I get older, wish there was a solution. Just doesn't seem like employers want to help people succeed. When I started working it was nothing but the emphasis on training, no one wants to teach people to do their jobs and give time off to develop their own lives to be better workers, it's about the squeeze and the loyalty.

I guess everyone has this problem though.

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