
To get fired or quit?

Got a write up a year ago and another one today. Boss said he had to take it to HR and they would let me know if I would be let go. People have been telling to wait it out, could have a job Monday but most likely will be fired but some others have said to put in my 2 weeks now? I’m just lost in this whirlwind and could use some advice from internet strangers, do I wait it out and hope for the best on Monday?

Got a write up a year ago and another one today. Boss said he had to take it to HR and they would let me know if I would be let go. People have been telling to wait it out, could have a job Monday but most likely will be fired but some others have said to put in my 2 weeks now? I’m just lost in this whirlwind and could use some advice from internet strangers, do I wait it out and hope for the best on Monday?

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