
To give a 2week notice… or not?

Long story short, I’ve worked in this restaurant for almost 10 months. It was supposed to be a temporary job to make a little extra money, some new friends, kill some time. Now I’ve been offered an amazing position in the field my degree is in, and I can’t help but not want to give the “appropriate” notice. I love this job for a long time. It turned toxic when I broke up with my partner whom my coworkers loved. They told me that I was wrong and that I should stick it out (why is this their business?) and then when I disagreed they have given me the cold shoulder for the last month. People I spent time with on days off and weekends and after work have flat out ghosted me and work has become this drama center. I want nothing to do with it. I have crazy…

Long story short, I’ve worked in this restaurant for almost 10 months. It was supposed to be a temporary job to make a little extra money, some new friends, kill some time. Now I’ve been offered an amazing position in the field my degree is in, and I can’t help but not want to give the “appropriate” notice.

I love this job for a long time. It turned toxic when I broke up with my partner whom my coworkers loved. They told me that I was wrong and that I should stick it out (why is this their business?) and then when I disagreed they have given me the cold shoulder for the last month. People I spent time with on days off and weekends and after work have flat out ghosted me and work has become this drama center. I want nothing to do with it. I have crazy anxiety even considering going to work. I can’t work next to someone for 8 hours who won’t speak or look at me. It shouldn’t be like this. Friends don’t do this type of thing. And yea, I know work friends are not real friends, and I know it was stupid to hope so. But I’ve made real friends at other past jobs, and things have been fine.

Is it out of the question to not give two weeks? I already have another job offer, I start on Wednesday. If I give two weeks notice, il have 5 shifts left. Do I stick it out because it’s the RiGhT ThInG or can I give notice tomorrow that tomorrow is my last day? I’ve been open with my direct boss and other managers about the mental toll the icing out has taken on my mental health, and I just… I don’t know what to do here. There are no real consequences either way, short of burning the bridge with the people that are treating me like crap anyways.

I can elaborate more on this, but realistically I made a personal choice that didn’t affect work and when my coworkers disagreed they iced me out. Why should I have to feel like I owe anything to them?

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