
Today I learned that my supervisor is a giant piece of shit.

I’m a federal employee who teleworks 4 days per week and goes in 1 day per week. Well, they are changing the policy and we will have to go in 3 days per week, unless you get an exception. I’ve moved 4.5 hours away, so the big boss told me not to worry, I’ll be given an exception. My supervisor (technically she’s 2 steps below big boss) lives 2 hours away, which is crappy but more reasonable than my commute. Today she basically told me that if she has to go in 3 days per week, that it would “trickle down” and she’d expect me to as well. Luckily, it’s not her decision, but I can’t believe what a POS she is. I’ll never look at her the same.

I’m a federal employee who teleworks 4 days per week and goes in 1 day per week. Well, they are changing the policy and we will have to go in 3 days per week, unless you get an exception. I’ve moved 4.5 hours away, so the big boss told me not to worry, I’ll be given an exception. My supervisor (technically she’s 2 steps below big boss) lives 2 hours away, which is crappy but more reasonable than my commute. Today she basically told me that if she has to go in 3 days per week, that it would “trickle down” and she’d expect me to as well.

Luckily, it’s not her decision, but I can’t believe what a POS she is. I’ll never look at her the same.

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