
Today is my 5 year anniversary with my company, and no one cares

It's a small, family-owned office that employed less than 10 people when I started, now there are 4 of us, and no one has said a word about my time here. Another employee has been here a year longer than me, but they said nothing to her. We got company-purchased lunch for her birthday, but she bought me lunch for mine since it never got brought up for mine. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading too much into their lack of human interaction with me, but damn if it feels like they do not value me in the slightest here. Luckily I happened to treat myself to an Xbox Series X for making it through the first 50 days of no alcohol to end the summer, so I guess I'll just lump that into work anniversary celebration, too. Kept telling myself I would start looking for a new job once…

It's a small, family-owned office that employed less than 10 people when I started, now there are 4 of us, and no one has said a word about my time here. Another employee has been here a year longer than me, but they said nothing to her. We got company-purchased lunch for her birthday, but she bought me lunch for mine since it never got brought up for mine. Sometimes I feel like I'm reading too much into their lack of human interaction with me, but damn if it feels like they do not value me in the slightest here.

Luckily I happened to treat myself to an Xbox Series X for making it through the first 50 days of no alcohol to end the summer, so I guess I'll just lump that into work anniversary celebration, too.

Kept telling myself I would start looking for a new job once I hit the 5 year mark, I guess I know what I have to do now…

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