
Today is my second day at a new job and I got this email

I lost my job in March. I had an amazing job with amazing leadership and came home still having energy to do things. Bad things happened in my personal life (close family member has terminal cancer, I got divorced after something really tough). I took the first thing I could get that wasn't just poverty. It's a $10k a year pay cut and instead of amazing leadership, a job I love, and my own giant office with a huge window, I now work in a tiny grey cubicle. I got this email on the very first day.

I lost my job in March. I had an amazing job with amazing leadership and came home still having energy to do things. Bad things happened in my personal life (close family member has terminal cancer, I got divorced after something really tough). I took the first thing I could get that wasn't just poverty. It's a $10k a year pay cut and instead of amazing leadership, a job I love, and my own giant office with a huge window, I now work in a tiny grey cubicle. I got this email on the very first day.

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