
Today, My landlord sister officially radicalized me to be anti-landlord.

So, IDK if this fits here, as it's more anti-landlord but those movements are very well connected and I'm not sure if there's a more fitting subreddit. I've known about the growing anti-landlord movement for some time. While I agreed largely with the points made by people who are anti-landlord, my sister is a landlord. So I held back on fully agreeing with the movement. Today my mother and I were visiting my sister. and the topic of the current housing crisis came up. She said that “People tell us we are crazy for charging what we do, and that we should be charging much more!” Now, I took this as 'We don't price gouge renters like other landlords, we are one of the good ones' Perhaps I should have read that comment as 'We should be price gouging our tenants more!' I thought I'd explain about the anti-landlord sentiments…

So, IDK if this fits here, as it's more anti-landlord but those movements are very well connected and I'm not sure if there's a more fitting subreddit.

I've known about the growing anti-landlord movement for some time. While I agreed largely with the points made by people who are anti-landlord, my sister is a landlord. So I held back on fully agreeing with the movement.

Today my mother and I were visiting my sister. and the topic of the current housing crisis came up. She said that “People tell us we are crazy for charging what we do, and that we should be charging much more!” Now, I took this as 'We don't price gouge renters like other landlords, we are one of the good ones' Perhaps I should have read that comment as 'We should be price gouging our tenants more!'

I thought I'd explain about the anti-landlord sentiments that are growing all over the place because that could one day cause her issues. I was being the little sister looking out for her. I just figured that, maybe if she really is 'one of the good ones' then her and her husband could do some work improving the image of landlords to renters who have been spurned by other landlords.

She IMEDIATLY turned on me, wouldn't let me finish explaining my point, assumed I was part of the growing anti-landlord sentiment and shouted me down. Absolutly would not let me speak.

I left. I was going to wait outside in the car. I just wanted to get away from that toxic environment. She decides to make some shitty comment like “Oh you are going outside to sulk are you!?”

This sets me off. I've finally had it with her. I remind her that if it weren't for the husband she has to conveniently mooch off of she would be in the exact same financial hole as me and our other sister. She is no better than us. We are all riddled with mental health disorders that leave us unable to work.

Idiot husband comes out to kick me out of the house. (Fine, I was already leaving. blame your dumbass wife for me even being there.) And I go wait in the car until mum is done visiting her.

After that I realized that yeah, there is no good landlords. they are all leeches. they are all monsters. All landlords are slumlords.

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