
Told company I would start looking for jobs for not letting me continuing to WFH after three years

Long story short. Been working from home for several years and am one of very few people who do what I do. Boss told me that I have to come back to the office. I said sure but also let her know that I would immediately start looking for alternative employment. Now the best part about this is that I’m unionized and cannot be fired without just cause. This all initially happened last week. Fast forward until today she asked me if I was going to leave so that they could post my position as there are four major projects coming up. My response? As per the language in our collective agreement, I will provide you with the required notice if and when I find something elsewhere. Could be a week. Could be months. Could be years. Could be never. You think I give a fuck about your projects? I…

Long story short. Been working from home for several years and am one of very few people who do what I do. Boss told me that I have to come back to the office. I said sure but also let her know that I would immediately start looking for alternative employment. Now the best part about this is that I’m unionized and cannot be fired without just cause. This all initially happened last week.

Fast forward until today she asked me if I was going to leave so that they could post my position as there are four major projects coming up. My response? As per the language in our collective agreement, I will provide you with the required notice if and when I find something elsewhere. Could be a week. Could be months. Could be years. Could be never. You think I give a fuck about your projects? I know my rights and all of you in this sub should know yours.

TLDR: Fuck stupid employers and use whatever power you have in your favour.

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