
Told my boss i can’t work Christmas eve, she’s demanding we all work late on Christmas eve

Hiya everyone, this is my 1st post here. I work for a large UK sports retailer and made sure super early to tell my boss the days I wanted off over the holidays. Was the 1st person to message her, but she didn’t reply and like 2 days later sent a text to our groupchat saying we all have to work late on Christmas eve. This has fully disrupted my plans, I was meant to meet friends and see my grandparents, plus I’ll be exhausted on Christmas because I never sleep after a late shift (thanks anxiety), so IDK what to do. I can’t just up and quit, my last employer fired me for illness and I need the money and the job. Should I text her and tell her I can’t do the shift ? She’s a high ranking manager at 22 y/o, so she’s pretty cutthroat and will…

Hiya everyone, this is my 1st post here.

I work for a large UK sports retailer and made sure super early to tell my boss the days I wanted off over the holidays. Was the 1st person to message her, but she didn’t reply and like 2 days later sent a text to our groupchat saying we all have to work late on Christmas eve. This has fully disrupted my plans, I was meant to meet friends and see my grandparents, plus I’ll be exhausted on Christmas because I never sleep after a late shift (thanks anxiety), so IDK what to do.

I can’t just up and quit, my last employer fired me for illness and I need the money and the job. Should I text her and tell her I can’t do the shift ? She’s a high ranking manager at 22 y/o, so she’s pretty cutthroat and will blow up at me.

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