
Told my supervisor I’ll be acting my wage from here on out.

I should start by saying that I do really love what I do! I do maintenance for a very high end short term vacation rental company. I joined on about 7 months ago, and since coming on board have taken on a lot more responsibility than I initially was told I would have to. I’m not upset about this, I like my work and my peers, but I did ask for a review and a raise. Finally the day comes where I get my review (Was told I should be getting one after 90 days, but took 6 months.) and I ask for a raise, in which both my supervisor and my manager say that shouldn’t be a problem but need to confirm it with the GM. A couple days go by and finally they tell me that now I need to go speak with GM, so I do. GM…

I should start by saying that I do really love what I do! I do maintenance for a very high end short term vacation rental company. I joined on about 7 months ago, and since coming on board have taken on a lot more responsibility than I initially was told I would have to. I’m not upset about this, I like my work and my peers, but I did ask for a review and a raise. Finally the day comes where I get my review (Was told I should be getting one after 90 days, but took 6 months.) and I ask for a raise, in which both my supervisor and my manager say that shouldn’t be a problem but need to confirm it with the GM. A couple days go by and finally they tell me that now I need to go speak with GM, so I do. GM tells me that there is no way to get a raise before January of next year, that it “won’t be anything close to what you’re asking for” and also explains how he feels that if I put my two weeks in over this that “You’d make it anywhere, and you’ll be fine.” All that after telling me that if he could, he’d give me whatever I wanted so I would stay. So in the most basic terms, he told me that I won’t get raise, and he doesn’t really care at all if I leave the company despite my work being exceptional. Now mind you, I’ve been the only person in the maintenance team since I started and have taken on all kinds of highly skilled tasks so they don’t have to sub work out to plumbers/electricians/etc saving the company and their clients thousands. Due to the fact that I do this kind of work on my own, I then told the company (My manager, not GM, as he was the only one there that day.) that I’d be moving to part time since they don’t have any benefits and I make more doing my own thing. I heard through the grapevine that they won’t have me part time and are going to potentially get rid of me now. After hearing this, I literally told my manager that from here on out I’m “acting my wage” and that if they don’t want me working for the company, they’ll need to fire me because I’m not going to quit. I just feel deflated and defeated, I missed out on a lot of my own side work giving this company all of my time and now they’re willing to just kick me to the curb over a couple bucks.

TLDR; Never give your all to a company, no matter how sweet and great they seem they genuinely don’t give the tiniest shit about you.

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