
Told that I’ll miss anyways so they’re counting my sisters death against my attendance.

My sister just died this past Saturday. I called into work to be with my nieces, one of who lives with me. It was a hard day. There was no way I could even try to work like that. This wasn't expected and it still feels unreal. Yesterday my boss wrote me up for attendance. I've missed in the last 6 months a total of 6 work days plus 1 hour. All from having a stomach bug that no, I didn't go to the doctor for because I've already been to the doctor over it. She says it might be IBS. Who knows who cares. Boss told me to contact head of HR today to see if he could do anything. Well second in charge of HR takes my call, I tell him why I missed and about the warning. He just goes “Well, gnome, I don't understand. What are…

My sister just died this past Saturday. I called into work to be with my nieces, one of who lives with me. It was a hard day. There was no way I could even try to work like that. This wasn't expected and it still feels unreal.

Yesterday my boss wrote me up for attendance. I've missed in the last 6 months a total of 6 work days plus 1 hour. All from having a stomach bug that no, I didn't go to the doctor for because I've already been to the doctor over it. She says it might be IBS. Who knows who cares. Boss told me to contact head of HR today to see if he could do anything. Well second in charge of HR takes my call, I tell him why I missed and about the warning. He just goes “Well, gnome, I don't understand. What are you wanting us to do here?”

I don't know maybe NOT COUNT MY SISTERS FUCKING DEATH AGAINST MY ATTENDANCE? Have a fucking ounce of compassion?

But that's not our icing yet. He basically goes on to say there's really no wriggle room, if I hadn't called in those other times we wouldn't be having this conversation- basically scolding me for being sick at this point. All his words insinuating that even if they did excuse it, I'd just end up back with the warning because I'll just miss again.

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