
Too demanding

I ran a conference on Thursday. No one helps me, I do it solo but I get requests and expectations from several people. So now, today, I have two different people asking me for the data. They want to know if I have it. It’s been less than two business days and I said in an email on Friday that I would work on it the following week. WTH makes you think that would mean Monday by late morning/early afternoon? Gtfo my back. Sorry…total rant but I’m exhausted. I’m actively job searching but it’s tough out there, especially when you have financial obligations and a certain salary need. Is it too much to ask to have a couple of business days after you’ve worked so many extra hours to do wrap up when that’s not your only responsibility?

I ran a conference on Thursday. No one helps me, I do it solo but I get requests and expectations from several people. So now, today, I have two different people asking me for the data. They want to know if I have it. It’s been less than two business days and I said in an email on Friday that I would work on it the following week. WTH makes you think that would mean Monday by late morning/early afternoon? Gtfo my back. Sorry…total rant but I’m exhausted. I’m actively job searching but it’s tough out there, especially when you have financial obligations and a certain salary need. Is it too much to ask to have a couple of business days after you’ve worked so many extra hours to do wrap up when that’s not your only responsibility?

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