
“Too expensive to keep” so got let go

My dad just got let go from his job. He worked at the same company for over 20 years and was two years from retirement. He never had a complaint in his file and had received numerous promotions, the last one being only a few weeks ago! They are letting go hundreds of people and told my dad specifically that he is being let go not because of performance (his reviews were always exceptional) but because he is too expensive to keep with all his experience and promotions. He was the top of his career. The best at what he did. He was one of only two people in his department that could even use a certain software. He put in hours and hours and dedicated his life to this company and this job and he loved it. Now they are just throwing him away because of money. The company…

My dad just got let go from his job. He worked at the same company for over 20 years and was two years from retirement. He never had a complaint in his file and had received numerous promotions, the last one being only a few weeks ago! They are letting go hundreds of people and told my dad specifically that he is being let go not because of performance (his reviews were always exceptional) but because he is too expensive to keep with all his experience and promotions. He was the top of his career. The best at what he did. He was one of only two people in his department that could even use a certain software. He put in hours and hours and dedicated his life to this company and this job and he loved it. Now they are just throwing him away because of money. The company also had record profits this year.

I thought offloading was supposed to be for bad employees? But I guess since they are getting away with paying new grads pennies these days why would they keep an experienced professional who knows his worth? I am just starting out my career and it makes me not even want to bother

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