
Took 2 weeks off work due to stress and depression and wasn’t fired.

I have been struggling with depression and anxiety. I used up my 10 days of personal leave and now I have been off work for another 2 weeks waiting for my HR to return from vacation. I was planning on quitting and live off savings for a couple months while I find a job that is less hours and less stressful. I was extremely lucky to ever get this job, it pays more than most skilled jobs in my area (starting wage of 28.50), and it keeps me indoors away from the summer heat. Been literally sick to my stomach over the fact I'm frozen in place watching an amazing career pass me by. I'm amazed they convinced me to not quit today, even after all the random time off I've taken. People have been fired for missing less time than me. This place is a unicorn I've NEVER worked…

I have been struggling with depression and anxiety. I used up my 10 days of personal leave and now I have been off work for another 2 weeks waiting for my HR to return from vacation. I was planning on quitting and live off savings for a couple months while I find a job that is less hours and less stressful. I was extremely lucky to ever get this job, it pays more than most skilled jobs in my area (starting wage of 28.50), and it keeps me indoors away from the summer heat. Been literally sick to my stomach over the fact I'm frozen in place watching an amazing career pass me by.

I'm amazed they convinced me to not quit today, even after all the random time off I've taken. People have been fired for missing less time than me. This place is a unicorn I've NEVER worked at a place that told me they don't care about how busy we are we want to make sure you're taken care of. They are gonna set me up with sort term disability and pay for any theropy I feel I need which I decide. They told me they take mental heath very seriously.

Does anyone here work for such a “progressive” company? Is this a new style of management or am I just lucky to find a place like this. I was born in the 80s and my experience from past jobs is “i dont want to hear excuses, show up or you're fired” I'm going to feel so incredibly embarrassed when/if I return to work but this level of support helps more than anyone will ever know.

I just wanted to share my current experience, thanks for reading.

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