
Top managers driven by insecurities.

How common is it for top managers to be driven by insecurities ? I have this manager who has this personality that reflects that his life is his job . His direction is more like if I fail I would be extremely embarrassed with stakeholders so his way of pressuring goes beyond into a more autocratic type .” I am the general manager , you are not hired to take decisions , not take initiative , and when you must absolutely do you will tell me so I can approve ” type of thinking , and when we needs to pressure it's often more of accusations so that one feels on the edge to deliver . He is always worried to lay the best example of hard worker just today he was having lunch at 5:30pm . If something he asks questions but it's.more of like ” I don't…

How common is it for top managers to be driven by insecurities ? I have this manager who has this personality that reflects that his life is his job . His direction is more like if I fail I would be extremely embarrassed with stakeholders so his way of pressuring goes beyond into a more autocratic type

.” I am the general manager , you are not hired to take decisions , not take initiative , and when you must absolutely do you will tell me so I can approve ” type of thinking , and when we needs to pressure it's often more of accusations so that one feels on the edge to deliver . He is always worried to lay the best example of hard worker just today he was having lunch at 5:30pm . If something he asks questions but it's.more of like ” I don't believe you ” kind of the nature of questions.

I think he does this all this because he underestimates himself and his work . It's all a projection… ultimately I feel that the company is so beneficial to have an idiot like this working as he will be cheap and always do the extra mile . I bet it's super easy for his superiors to trust him do to his work ethic whick is why he is the country manager .

You may ask yourself, who puts up with that ? In my case it's a sense of confrontation back but very delicate with very precise communication.. knowing when to make a case , when not , and when to argument against has earned me his respect but still feels at the edge at any time . I am prepared to do comebacks.

Yes , he is intimidating . Other managers made it there but by no means would a person easily stressed be a candidate for any other high profile job in this top hierarchy . One must have this sense that the job is just one job , nothing more … and he is just posing a performance.

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