
Totally Evading a Major Aspects of the Tip War Not once was it mentioned in the article that restaurants/businesses have long used tipping to avoid paying better wages. Not once was it mentioned in the article that these businesses WILL start providing better wages. Their solution, without pushback from the article writer, is: we'll get rid of the tipping feature to make customers happy and hopefully things will just work out for our employees. Can't wait to see the entire system to collapse and watch business owners piss and shit themselves when the working class realizes that they literally have nothing else to lose by just saying fuck it. Their wages can't cover even basic necessities anymore.

Not once was it mentioned in the article that restaurants/businesses have long used tipping to avoid paying better wages. Not once was it mentioned in the article that these businesses WILL start providing better wages. Their solution, without pushback from the article writer, is: we'll get rid of the tipping feature to make customers happy and hopefully things will just work out for our employees.

Can't wait to see the entire system to collapse and watch business owners piss and shit themselves when the working class realizes that they literally have nothing else to lose by just saying fuck it. Their wages can't cover even basic necessities anymore.

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