
Toxic work and toxic home.

I’m just here to rant a little bit about work and my living situation. There was a major power outage in my state that affected over 200,000 people last week. It was estimated that it could take a week before everything was restored. Most businesses were closed because of this. I work in fast food and guess which lucky store got their power back without just hours after the outage? That’s right, mine was the “lucky” one. We normally open at 10:30 but because of everything it got pushed back to about 2:30 and that’s when all hell broke loose. The mere second we opened we had a line out the door with customers, phones flew off the hook and eventually we had to turn off our internet orders just to try to keep up. It was a recored breaking day for sales even though we were only open for…

I’m just here to rant a little bit about work and my living situation.

There was a major power outage in my state that affected over 200,000 people last week. It was estimated that it could take a week before everything was restored. Most businesses were closed because of this. I work in fast food and guess which lucky store got their power back without just hours after the outage? That’s right, mine was the “lucky” one. We normally open at 10:30 but because of everything it got pushed back to about 2:30 and that’s when all hell broke loose. The mere second we opened we had a line out the door with customers, phones flew off the hook and eventually we had to turn off our internet orders just to try to keep up. It was a recored breaking day for sales even though we were only open for about 10 hrs instead of 15. The next few days afterwards were not much better as plenty of businesses were still closed. Corporate thanks us for busting our asses last week with a bag of candy and some cookies. Aside from all of that, I live with the worst types of roommates, that’s right, family. I love my family (for the most part) however, two of my siblings that I live with are very toxic which could use its own post somewhere else. But the point is I need to move out but I can’t because the rent here is going up so much. I’ve been checking every so often to see how much it has change and for the most part it didn’t change for a while until if recently. A one bedroom in a decent area is now $1300 starting. But I make about $2300/mo. My boyfriend is on disability and only brings in less than $1000. We don’t make 3x the rent at most places. Keep in mind the minimum wage in my state is $7.25. Entry level jobs just aren’t cutting it either. I’m going to school now only because I need to make more money to survive. Even jobs that need degrees aren’t worth it anymore. For now we are stuck in a toxic place and I don’t know how much longer I can handle all of this.

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