
toxic work environment: how long did you stayed? why? examples?

I just started this new job a month ago and had my first meltdown in the parking lot last week. This job provided no proper training but expects you to do everything right/ their way. The older employees are passive aggressive and treats the new hires like they're stupid (including me). Boss doesn't say or do anything other than rush you to finish the work, know everything, and do everything right. i've seen red flags during my first week, but desperate times call for desperate measures right? i needed this job to pay my bills so i've been sticking with it. but last week, i couldn't take it anymore somehow because i didnt complete a given task quickly or correctly (even though i didn't receive official training for it, so i was clueless and slow) and just got chewed out for it. so that comes down to the question of:…

I just started this new job a month ago and had my first meltdown in the parking lot last week. This job provided no proper training but expects you to do everything right/ their way. The older employees are passive aggressive and treats the new hires like they're stupid (including me). Boss doesn't say or do anything other than rush you to finish the work, know everything, and do everything right. i've seen red flags during my first week, but desperate times call for desperate measures right? i needed this job to pay my bills so i've been sticking with it. but last week, i couldn't take it anymore somehow because i didnt complete a given task quickly or correctly (even though i didn't receive official training for it, so i was clueless and slow) and just got chewed out for it. so that comes down to the question of: how long did you stayed at a toxic workplace? why? any examples? i dont know if this is common and people just stick with it or quit immediately…

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