
Translation: We Don’t Hire People Who Can Stand Up for Themselves While this argument sounds tantalizingly anti-elitist, it's actual message is that tired glorification of hustle culture and the heroic entrepreneur, here described as the “service-oriented” mindset that's “hungry” and “can't do enough” while putting in 100 hours a week. Ideally, someone who used to wait tables and is saddled with student loans (yeah, she says that). In other words, someone who's likely to be desperate, submissive, and disposable. If there's one thing that Ivies like Princeton and Yale instill in their students, is that they are not under any circumstances desperate, submissive, or disposable. So, of course she doesn't want to hire them. And one more thing, Liz Elting: saying “Pasadena” instead of “Pass” doesn't make you sound hip and youthful. Just the opposite.

While this argument sounds tantalizingly anti-elitist, it's actual message is that tired glorification of hustle culture and the heroic entrepreneur, here described as the “service-oriented” mindset that's “hungry” and “can't do enough” while putting in 100 hours a week. Ideally, someone who used to wait tables and is saddled with student loans (yeah, she says that). In other words, someone who's likely to be desperate, submissive, and disposable.

If there's one thing that Ivies like Princeton and Yale instill in their students, is that they are not under any circumstances desperate, submissive, or disposable. So, of course she doesn't want to hire them.

And one more thing, Liz Elting: saying “Pasadena” instead of “Pass” doesn't make you sound hip and youthful. Just the opposite.

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