
Trapped and being discriminated

Be warned this is a rant: so to start with I sold my business to this guy and part of the deal was that I were to continue to manage the store for a limited time 3 odd months (ended being 4 months) and train the new worker/manager, I accepted a lower hourly rate to help him out a bit. I was also to help transfer the store to a more prominent position on one of the main streets in the town. Now once the new guy hot here I find out that he knows next to nothing about the industry we are in, highly technical, barley speaks English and I have to repeat just about everything 3 or 4 times very slowly, his favorite saying us 'ok bro' which I find is very disrespectful, were obviously not related and tbh I don't like him as a person. I also…

Be warned this is a rant: so to start with I sold my business to this guy and part of the deal was that I were to continue to manage the store for a limited time 3 odd months (ended being 4 months) and train the new worker/manager, I accepted a lower hourly rate to help him out a bit. I was also to help transfer the store to a more prominent position on one of the main streets in the town. Now once the new guy hot here I find out that he knows next to nothing about the industry we are in, highly technical, barley speaks English and I have to repeat just about everything 3 or 4 times very slowly, his favorite saying us 'ok bro' which I find is very disrespectful, were obviously not related and tbh I don't like him as a person. I also found out that he's on $6 more an hour than I am, I also have to do all the actual work as if he screws up it can cost people thier personal data, photos, messages etc, and I have a conscience otherwise I'd just let him trial and error it. Doesn't have the first clue about anything related to what we do, he hasn't touch a computer in 4 years and types 10odd words per minute with two fingers and can't seem to use the shift key, everything is lower case and words like iPhone come out as “i phne” with no other notes about what is going on. He can't follow the most basic instructions and has to be reminded every time, almost as if he's doing it on purpose just to get to me. He's constantly trying to get me to do things that which I can't do due to not being the owner of the business like set up the internet at the new store. As for the owner he has ghosted me and is refusing to talk to me. I feel like I'm being scammed and taken advantage of because i can speak the local language. When customers come in and ask for the manager I get him and he proceeds to tell them that he just works here, which makes me look stupid and just mucks the customer around and they end up just leaving passed off. I have formally handed my notice in and they're pretending like I never did, but where I live that's not a requirement for them to acknowledge the resignation so long as I have proof the I had sent it to them. I feel really bad for all my customers and the service thay ate going to be receiving from now on. We are in a smallish town so alot of them have become regulars whenever they had issues and I feel that they're just going to get scammed by these guys that ate just going to play the blame game and over charge and under deliver. Aita?

  • sorry about the wall of text.

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