
Trying to find alternative to 9-5 job, but crippling risk aversion keeps me where I am

I (31f) live a comfy life, by lower middle class standards. I have a good home and an investment property, a job I don't hate, and I always have enough money to pay my bills and feed my family. I can pay for an emergency and I can go on little weekend vacations every few months. But I feel like I need something different. I don't want to be working 9-5 anymore. I don't want to wake up at the same time every day, put on nice clothes, and sit at a desk until it's time to go home. I don't want my schedule to be at the decision of someone else, having someone tell me when I can and can't take time off. I'm wanting to change my career to something more flexible, but i am terrified of making a decision in case it blows up. I'd like to…

I (31f) live a comfy life, by lower middle class standards. I have a good home and an investment property, a job I don't hate, and I always have enough money to pay my bills and feed my family. I can pay for an emergency and I can go on little weekend vacations every few months.

But I feel like I need something different.

I don't want to be working 9-5 anymore. I don't want to wake up at the same time every day, put on nice clothes, and sit at a desk until it's time to go home. I don't want my schedule to be at the decision of someone else, having someone tell me when I can and can't take time off.

I'm wanting to change my career to something more flexible, but i am terrified of making a decision in case it blows up.

I'd like to become a therapist or counselor, but I am terrible at school. I couldn't make it though my first semester at college when I was younger. I'd also be leaving my husband to pay for our family if I school full time, and if I went part time school, I'm afraid it would take too long for my goal, and I'd be stressed out working a job, going to school, and taking care of the household. Not too mention college in the USA is expensive and there's no guarantee I'd get a good job.

My dream job used to be a tattoo artist, but my art isn't quite good enough. I would have to put in a lot of work to get it to my standards. I also know tattoo artists require internships, which take at least a year. Again, this would put great financial strain on my husband.

I'd like to become a baker, but I don't have the experience. I would want to get myself a cart or food truck for farmers markets or work exclusively from home for weddings/parties, but I researched food licensing and I'd have to have a commercial space, which means I'd have to either rent a kitchen or rent a store front. The up front cost scares me, and, I know how easy it is for bakeries/food trucks to fail.

I don't think my job will let me go remote. I also don't know if they'd let me go part time, but that might put my family in a financial bind.

Maybe just ranting, but I'd be happy for advice. Starting to think there's no way out and I'll have to live like this until I die.

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