
Turned down for a job because I didn’t know a task…that they told me to learn if I got the job…

So, I went for an interview internally. As far as I know there were 3 positions open and a good educated guess tells me there were 4 people who applied. 1 of those had already been doing the job unofficially for about 8 years. Fair enough, they deserve it. Another 2 are trained to carry out a certain task that I will call “TBC” reports. I don't know how to do these reports, but was lead to believe it wouldn't be held against me. In the interview I asked “If successful, what can I do in the first 3 months that will reassure you that you've made the right decision?” I was told “Learn TBC Reports”. I was turned down for the role. I had an excellent interview so I asked why I was turned down and the answer was “You don't know TBC Reports”. I've actually been asking to…

So, I went for an interview internally. As far as I know there were 3 positions open and a good educated guess tells me there were 4 people who applied. 1 of those had already been doing the job unofficially for about 8 years. Fair enough, they deserve it. Another 2 are trained to carry out a certain task that I will call “TBC” reports. I don't know how to do these reports, but was lead to believe it wouldn't be held against me.

In the interview I asked “If successful, what can I do in the first 3 months that will reassure you that you've made the right decision?”

I was told “Learn TBC Reports”.

I was turned down for the role. I had an excellent interview so I asked why I was turned down and the answer was “You don't know TBC Reports”. I've actually been asking to learn them for about 8 years, but no training.

I'm then told, “we're willing to teach you TBC reports and you'll be ready for the role when it comes up again” ….. Which could be yeeeeaaars. The boss tells me one of the successful candidates will likely retire soon, but there's no way he can know exactly when. He's possibly just dangling the carrot and wants me to learn the reports for extra reinforcement if people are on holiday/sick (without the extra grade and pay).

Although I haven't had it confirmed, I have good reason to believe that one of the successful candidates is known to fall sleep on the job, and spends most of their time away from the job on extra-curricular duties (which is kinda work related, but doesn't benefit the team directly).

I've been with the company about 16 years, this team for 11 of those. It's generally a good company, but has it's ups and downs. Signs are we're on the upwards trajectory, but you never know. It's well paid and I'll unlikely find a job as well paid that would require me to have skills/qualifications I don't have.

I'm tempted to tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I've also been tempted to learn the TBC reports, then NOT apply when the job comes up again (They might struggle to fill the position with anyone else, although they wouldn't admit it). I'm probably biting my nose off to spite my own face, but I have pride and principles.

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