
Turned in my 2 week notice today due to ongoing harassment for over a year

Today I did something I have been wanting to do for along time. I emailed my boss, the president of the company, and 2 HR people. It went a little something like this, I have been subjected to numerous comments and actions that could only be described as discriminatory towards me. The harassment and discrimination have become unbearable. I would ask that preventative and positive measures be implemented to stop this behavior. I have spoken with HR as well as management about the harassment I received in the form of verbal and emotional abuse. Since the behavior has not changed since my reports, I believe it is in the best interest for my health and family to seek employment elsewhere. I was diagnosed with PTSD from the harassment from my coworkers and management. Fortunately for me, I know my worth and I am aware of the value I bring. I…

Today I did something I have been wanting to do for along time. I emailed my boss, the president of the company, and 2 HR people. It went a little something like this, I have been subjected to numerous comments and actions that could only be described as discriminatory towards me. The harassment and discrimination have become unbearable. I would ask that preventative and positive measures be implemented to stop this behavior. I have spoken with HR as well as management about the harassment I received in the form of verbal and emotional abuse. Since the behavior has not changed since my reports, I believe it is in the best interest for my health and family to seek employment elsewhere. I was diagnosed with PTSD from the harassment from my coworkers and management. Fortunately for me, I know my worth and I am aware of the value I bring. I refuse to accept any form of harassment and disrespect because I am a female working in a male dominated field. And I know I am not the only one to experience this. Thanks for understanding, Regards. I am so proud of myself for standing up. I was a technician that installed fiber optics and copper and had to frequently do a lot of work atop the utility poles. I was an outstanding tech according to my boss and the customers that left me reviews. All my coworkers shunned me when I spoke up what was happening. Nobody would talk to me and all I ever wanted was for it to stop. So that they knew an honest truth about the day to day of the job. So that our daughter or anyone else’s wouldn’t have to go through this. But instead they don’t change anything. I lost 70lbs in 6 months due to the treatment I was receiving from my coworkers and management. So I finally said I’m taking my happiness back and leaving the best paying job I’ve ever had. I currently don’t have another job, which is very scary, but to me I’m just going on faith that I know who I am and I have values. Hopefully a change will be made at this company but I am done fighting for equality here.

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