
TW – Boss disclosed my sensitive medical information

TW – Miscarriage . . . . . I recently resigned from a very toxic workplace. As I was resigning, my boss (who has been AWFUL to me) started to get angry so I interjected and said something along the lines of – I am incredibly stressed here as you know, I have been trying to get pregnant and finally did and had a miscarriage. I am not interested in arguing, I am resigning and I have had enough. (I regret telling her) She began to act nicer, asked me to stay longer until they find someone else which I did not agree to, she asked me to think about it. The next day I came to work and ended up having to leave to hospital as I was having abdominal pain and bleeding. After I returned to work she was on annual leave and I have not seen her…

TW – Miscarriage





I recently resigned from a very toxic workplace. As I was resigning, my boss (who has been AWFUL to me) started to get angry so I interjected and said something along the lines of – I am incredibly stressed here as you know, I have been trying to get pregnant and finally did and had a miscarriage. I am not interested in arguing, I am resigning and I have had enough. (I regret telling her)

She began to act nicer, asked me to stay longer until they find someone else which I did not agree to, she asked me to think about it. The next day I came to work and ended up having to leave to hospital as I was having abdominal pain and bleeding. After I returned to work she was on annual leave and I have not seen her since, however, I received an email from a committee rep sending his condolences for my miscarriage…there is no way this person could know unless she told people and I am horrified. This is my private information and I imagine the entire company knows. I believe my boss told the higher ups this as a way to excuse my leaving as 75% of her department has now resigned.

My last day at the company is in 2 weeks and she returns tomorrow. I very much want to confront her about this. I wrote an email to send to her, the GM and head of HR but again. I want everyone to know that my miscarriage is not the reason I'm resigning but her poor management and treatment of me and the team.

I live in a city where there are virtually no workers rights but I don't want anything like this to happen to anyone else. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

TLDR – I resigned and told my boss I had a miscarriage and now the entire company knows. I believe she used it as an excuse as to why I resigned.

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