
Twice I’ve been called up for a second interview and twice I’ve been told the position is magically gone.

So. I’m a 19 year old college student who lives in student housing. I live 3 hours away from my university so when it’s summer or winter break, I have to move back home because they don’t allow us in the dorms unless we have a valid reason. I’ve been telling jobs this up front whenever I do snag an interview. Well, I’ve done two interviews now with two specific restaurant chains that are under the same company. I’m not going to say it but it starts with a D. IYKYK. The first time this happened, I’d actually had three interviews. Was told I got the job, drove 30 minutes in traffic up there just to be told actually no. They didn’t have room for me. Pissed me off to no end because they wasted my time and gas money. Second time was today. I came up for a second…

So. I’m a 19 year old college student who lives in student housing. I live 3 hours away from my university so when it’s summer or winter break, I have to move back home because they don’t allow us in the dorms unless we have a valid reason. I’ve been telling jobs this up front whenever I do snag an interview.
Well, I’ve done two interviews now with two specific restaurant chains that are under the same company. I’m not going to say it but it starts with a D. IYKYK. The first time this happened, I’d actually had three interviews. Was told I got the job, drove 30 minutes in traffic up there just to be told actually no. They didn’t have room for me. Pissed me off to no end because they wasted my time and gas money.
Second time was today. I came up for a second interview and the interviewer didn’t even know my name or what position I’d applied for. If there had been even an ounce of communication he would have also known I live on campus. At the very end he said it was a “red flag” that I would be gone the busiest month of the year. He asked if I could find out if I could stay in my dorm for the winter. I wouldn’t have class. All I’d be doing is sitting alone and going to work. Hell no. I don’t know what else to do. I know I’ll find work somewhere but I’m so frustrated. Hopefully I find somewhere more professional that actually communicates with each other. SMH.

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