
Tyranny Reigns!

The company is going under: Rumour has it that someone breached contract obligations for a client that is 70% of our business… Seems like a dumb move, but what do I know? Anyway.. the owner of the company, a 74 year old, good old boy, comes into the office and rounds us all up like we are children and proceeds to inform us that anyone caught on a cell phone during work hours will be terminated immediately. Going forward family can call the front desk for emergencies and phones should be left in our cars etc. Apparently, the reason the company is tanking and we are losing this contract is because we are all spending far too much time on our personal phones during business hours instead of being productive. For the record, our policy on cell phone usage just restricts us from taking pictures or plugging our phones into…

The company is going under: Rumour has it that someone breached contract obligations for a client that is 70% of our business… Seems like a dumb move, but what do I know?

Anyway.. the owner of the company, a 74 year old, good old boy, comes into the office and rounds us all up like we are children and proceeds to inform us that anyone caught on a cell phone during work hours will be terminated immediately. Going forward family can call the front desk for emergencies and phones should be left in our cars etc. Apparently, the reason the company is tanking and we are losing this contract is because we are all spending far too much time on our personal phones during business hours instead of being productive.

For the record, our policy on cell phone usage just restricts us from taking pictures or plugging our phones into work computers. Also I have a company issued cell phone that I use daily lol!!!

Just waiting to get fired on the spot the next time he decides to come in. This is just one of the many reasons the owners are using to blame their staff for the loss of this contract. None of us in the office that day had anything to do with procurement or management of that contract, and the best part? The incompetent lying president of the company, who clearly failed at his job is just throwing people under the bus left, right and centre to save his own ass. How does someone so stupid make so much money???

Anyway… The good old boys club is alive and well over here, we've all started looking for a new port though 🤣

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