
U.S. – General practicer (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) dismissed my request for a recommendation note to work from home. Advises me to seek another doctor. Meanwhile, husband gets approved at same office by different doctor.

Hi everyone … I (33 F) am looking for guidance on where to go from here. I have a desk job and have been 100% wfh since 2020. Around then, my general pain, vertigo, chronic migraines, and subsequent anxiety were bad, but working from home made it much more manageable. Because of the wfh situation, I will admit I didn’t seek medical care as soon as I should. Fast forward 3 years and I now have a baby and my symptoms are still persistent. I feel as though I may have fibromyalgia because I’ve been unable to find a reason for my pain despite several blood tests, X-rays of my tailbone and spine, & allergy testing. I have also sought reason for my vertigo and migraines, but have come up inconclusive despite the aforementioned testing and an MRI of my brain. Each doctors pushes me to the next. Now my…

Hi everyone … I (33 F) am looking for guidance on where to go from here. I have a desk job and have been 100% wfh since 2020. Around then, my general pain, vertigo, chronic migraines, and subsequent anxiety were bad, but working from home made it much more manageable. Because of the wfh situation, I will admit I didn’t seek medical care as soon as I should. Fast forward 3 years and I now have a baby and my symptoms are still persistent. I feel as though I may have fibromyalgia because I’ve been unable to find a reason for my pain despite several blood tests, X-rays of my tailbone and spine, & allergy testing. I have also sought reason for my vertigo and migraines, but have come up inconclusive despite the aforementioned testing and an MRI of my brain. Each doctors pushes me to the next. Now my work is making us go back 4 days a week and I do not physically or mentally think I can handle it. People in my office are getting approved to wfh left and right after submitting doctors notes.

So today, my husband and I both went to our new patient appointments for a general practitioner, each seeing a different doctor in the practice. Both of us work for the same company and do a similar job (desk work). I explained to her my medical background, most of which is on my file. I asked if she would be willing to write a note accodomating working in the office 2 days week due to mental and physical health. She declined, mentioned something about her not being able to write it, and said to reach out to a psychiatrist. I was deflated. Then I meet my husband in the waiting room …. And he is holding a recommendation to work from home 3 days a week. He is shocked as I am the one who is struggling with health issues. He simply said he has some anxiety and believed it to be in his best interest and the doctor wrote it.

I need advice – what to do from here in regard to the doctors office and doctor disregarding my concerns and refusing to help me. Can I do anything? We followed up with them and all they did was have a receptionist call me saying the doctor is still not willing to write a note.

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