
UAW Strike shows true colors, thanks Big 3

The fact that nobody is talking about small tier suppliers that are employed by the big three, and how easy it is for them to say no shows true colors of what the auto industry has been the last few years. If this continues and 38 more plants do close I can’t even imagine the outcome. They think people can work for free and in today’s age that’s physically impossible, they also say money can’t buy happiness but it sure as shit can give you peace of mind, that’s all I need to live my life. The fact that they can even negotiate like human beings should tell every single person what’s what. If you don’t know now you know

The fact that nobody is talking about small tier suppliers that are employed by the big three, and how easy it is for them to say no shows true colors of what the auto industry has been the last few years. If this continues and 38 more plants do close I can’t even imagine the outcome. They think people can work for free and in today’s age that’s physically impossible, they also say money can’t buy happiness but it sure as shit can give you peace of mind, that’s all I need to live my life. The fact that they can even negotiate like human beings should tell every single person what’s what. If you don’t know now you know

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