
(UK) Company is rolling out redundancies, but I have a new job offer. How can I fully make the most out of this situation?

My company will most likely offer voluntary redundancy to 1/2 members of my department in the next few weeks. The problem is, I have already found a new job and got the offer today. Should I make my current job aware or hold off slightly to see what the situation is with redundancy? It would delay my notice period which may cause issues but if they're not honouring our contract why should I?

My company will most likely offer voluntary redundancy to 1/2 members of my department in the next few weeks. The problem is, I have already found a new job and got the offer today.

Should I make my current job aware or hold off slightly to see what the situation is with redundancy? It would delay my notice period which may cause issues but if they're not honouring our contract why should I?

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