
[UK] How has your experience been on Universal Credit and job searching?

I have GCSEs, A Levels and experience working in Admin, Customer Service and office settings. I've been on unemployed and on Universal Credit since the contract of my Admin Kickstart scheme ended in Nov 2021. I do want a job and I do want to work. But in a decent job like Admin, Receptionist, IT etc. Not interested in doing dead end jobs that are minimum wage and have no progression like retail, working in restaurants, pouring coffee, packaging shelves at Tesco etc. I've applied to like well over 2000 jobs. The very few interviews I have got were unsuccessful. They either just sent me those automated emails saying you didn't make it. Or don't even get back to me. My last interview was a Receptionist Apprenticeship. They didn't want to hire me because based off a 2 hour work trial, they thought my customer service skills were too formal…

I have GCSEs, A Levels and experience working in Admin, Customer Service and office settings.

I've been on unemployed and on Universal Credit since the contract of my Admin Kickstart scheme ended in Nov 2021.

I do want a job and I do want to work. But in a decent job like Admin, Receptionist, IT etc. Not interested in doing dead end jobs that are minimum wage and have no progression like retail, working in restaurants, pouring coffee, packaging shelves at Tesco etc.

I've applied to like well over 2000 jobs. The very few interviews I have got were unsuccessful. They either just sent me those automated emails saying you didn't make it. Or don't even get back to me.

My last interview was a Receptionist Apprenticeship. They didn't want to hire me because based off a 2 hour work trial, they thought my customer service skills were too formal and my computer skill was too good, so I wouldn't be a good fit. As I wouldn't learn much from the opportunity.

But anyway at the UC appointments with the Job Centre. All they do is just ask me if I have found a job. I say no. They ask to see my email inbox to see if I have those application confirmation emails. They see that I have loads, because I obviously apply to jobs. They look on their computer to see if the Job Centre is hosting any jobs fairs, so they can book me into one. Most of the time they don't have any. Then they book my next appointment for 2 weeks later. Then I leave.

I've been to many job fairs. At the job fair you have a little informal interview with the interviewer. They take your details and will contact you if they want to hire you.

Or you don't even have an interview, they just give you the company website and tell you to go home and apply there.

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