
Ummmmm, so, my replacement just showed up at my house?

I was fired from a job at the beginning of October (largely because I have to get my kid on the bus, but not the point here). This afternoon, the guy that was hired to replace me showed up at my door and asked to talk to me about my experience with that company. I told him my actual feelings (they screwed me over), and the manager was a micromanaging ass. My concern, though, is, HOW THE FU*K DID HE FIND OUT WHERE I LIVE? I've never met the guy before, and he did say that he had my old phone and laptop. But, I reset and wiped those. I know I reset my phone to factory, and logged out of all accounts on the laptop. Regardless, IT should have removed all traces of me from that equipment, right? I'm still on good terms with the branch manager that hired…

I was fired from a job at the beginning of October (largely because I have to get my kid on the bus, but not the point here).

This afternoon, the guy that was hired to replace me showed up at my door and asked to talk to me about my experience with that company. I told him my actual feelings (they screwed me over), and the manager was a micromanaging ass.

My concern, though, is, HOW THE FU*K DID HE FIND OUT WHERE I LIVE? I've never met the guy before, and he did say that he had my old phone and laptop. But, I reset and wiped those. I know I reset my phone to factory, and logged out of all accounts on the laptop. Regardless, IT should have removed all traces of me from that equipment, right?

I'm still on good terms with the branch manager that hired me (and lives down the street). Should I tell him? Should I talk to a lawyer? The guy was perfectly nice, and I don't wanna screw him over (he did say he was likely going to quit them), but, I mean, what the hell????

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