
Unappreciative boss

I work in a small office. I actually don’t hate my job but my boss is so hot and cold all the time I’m constantly walking on egg shells around her. Today, half of our already small office was out and we were so busy so I took the initiative to jump in wherever I was needed, like I always do. I’m just the receptionist and this is my first time working in this field but I’ve been working for a bit over a year and I’ve learned so much. I am confident enough to be a “yes man” because I know I can actually do the work. My favorite coworker who is an awesome employee even tells me all the time that I do too much but I don’t care because I just want to make the job run smoother for everyone. My boss has praised me in the…

I work in a small office. I actually don’t hate my job but my boss is so hot and cold all the time I’m constantly walking on egg shells around her. Today, half of our already small office was out and we were so busy so I took the initiative to jump in wherever I was needed, like I always do. I’m just the receptionist and this is my first time working in this field but I’ve been working for a bit over a year and I’ve learned so much. I am confident enough to be a “yes man” because I know I can actually do the work. My favorite coworker who is an awesome employee even tells me all the time that I do too much but I don’t care because I just want to make the job run smoother for everyone. My boss has praised me in the past for my work ethic but she’s so moody that the praise means nothing to me at this point. Plus I notice she only does it when she needs something from me. And today I am fed up. Like I said, a lot of people were out today including the other receptionist so things were kind of hectic and I fucking killed it. I was attending every patient, answering calls, writing up forms for insurance, organizing my boss’s receipts, spent a lot of my time trying to fix an issue with my boss’s membership payment for some dumb shit she’s a part of, I even jumped into the manager’s office to fix something with a difficult patient’s ledger because the manager didn’t know how to, and I came back early from lunch to get more work done. My boss also asked me to grab her lunch in the middle of the rush and I did it no questions. I stayed late to see everyone off and make sure my boss had her mail even though I could have just got it tomorrow. I was pretty proud of myself with how much I was able to accomplish so I was in a good mood. On my way out I said something light hearted as I dropped off her mail and I got bullshit in return. She stared and me stale faced as I chuckled and said “ok” with an attitude then turned away. She didn’t say bye or thank you. Usually I’d brush it off but after doing such a great job today that stung. I’m going above and beyond at this job and she treats the girl who slacks off and is threatening to sue her better than she treats me when I bust my ass for this office.

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