
Unapproachable Manager and Coworkers for Neurodivergent Employee

So for context I have a few different mental illnesses including adhd, ocd, autism, anxiety with formal diagnosis. I’m moving away in six months and recently got a new job two months this ago to make some money before I leave with my family. But just like in my latest job, my coworkers and manager have mentioned to me that I’m not working up to standards or doing my job correctly. This has happened to me multiple times now sadly at jobs. It usually stems from anxiety over what people around me think of me and memory problems. I worked as a really busy sub shop and though I was trying so hard to be better and good at my job, nothing was ever enough and the criticism kept coming. I quit after finding out one of the shift leads made fun of me when I first started working there…

So for context I have a few different mental illnesses including adhd, ocd, autism, anxiety with formal diagnosis. I’m moving away in six months and recently got a new job two months this ago to make some money before I leave with my family.

But just like in my latest job, my coworkers and manager have mentioned to me that I’m not working up to standards or doing my job correctly. This has happened to me multiple times now sadly at jobs.

It usually stems from anxiety over what people around me think of me and memory problems. I worked as a really busy sub shop and though I was trying so hard to be better and good at my job, nothing was ever enough and the criticism kept coming. I quit after finding out one of the shift leads made fun of me when I first started working there cause I was so awkward then lied about me to my manager.

Now I’m working as a barista. It’s not my first time working as a barista but where I work is much busier than my old shop and has a drive thru. I came into this new job with hopes I’d makes some friends and do good. But I quickly felt isolated from most of my coworkers, they wouldn’t speak to me or I could see them get visibly frustrated with me when I made mistakes.

Now everyone at my job uses their phone behind the bar and in the back room but my manager came to me and asked me to be on my phone a bit less. I said yes mam and tried to be on my phone less, but she didn’t tell me that what she said to me was an official verbal warning.

I ended up setting up a meeting with her to discuss my struggles with my anxiety and memory while working. She pulled out a form that had my written termination on it and a verbal one, which means one away from being fired.

You can imagine that this didn’t make me feel better. I don’t touch my phone at work anymore and I try really hard, but no matter what I do , there’s always something wrong. I forget a part of an order, forget numbers when doing food pull, get tunnel vision, lack awareness. And the thing is, I’m trying so hard. I dread going to work cause I’m scared of what they will think of me next. Any advice? I don’t really wanna get a new job since I’m moving but idk what to do

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