
Unbearable no way out

I strongly despise my current job; “hate” doesn't even begin to describe it. It's not the job itself that's unbearable, but rather the management. My boss, an insufferable and self-centered individual, constantly hovers over me. She micro-manages relentlessly, questioning my every move. Instead of asking how I'm doing or if everything is alright, she consistently demands to know what I'm working on. Despite holding two master's degrees in a field closely related to my job, she still doubts my abilities. I'm suffocated, unable to find space to perform my tasks properly due to her constant presence. Adding insult to injury, my compensation is unjustly low. Given the salaries for similar positions in my field, I should be earning at least €10,000 more annually. I'm enduring emotional abuse from this woman, dealing with after-hours emails that demand immediate responses, along with threats of disciplinary actions. This situation is exacerbating my anxiety.…

I strongly despise my current job; “hate” doesn't even begin to describe it. It's not the job itself that's unbearable, but rather the management. My boss, an insufferable and self-centered individual, constantly hovers over me. She micro-manages relentlessly, questioning my every move. Instead of asking how I'm doing or if everything is alright, she consistently demands to know what I'm working on. Despite holding two master's degrees in a field closely related to my job, she still doubts my abilities. I'm suffocated, unable to find space to perform my tasks properly due to her constant presence.

Adding insult to injury, my compensation is unjustly low. Given the salaries for similar positions in my field, I should be earning at least €10,000 more annually. I'm enduring emotional abuse from this woman, dealing with after-hours emails that demand immediate responses, along with threats of disciplinary actions. This situation is exacerbating my anxiety. The most distressing part is that I'm trapped; my visa to remain in the country hinges on this job. I'm at a loss, having already burned out and only worsening the circumstances. I'm in desperate need of assistance!

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