

Today my boss said I was undermining her project. She’s leading a massive waterfall project full of missed scope and missed deadlines. I stumbled across a part of the process that was not up to the stakeholders expectations. I coordinated the solution matrix, meetings, stakeholders and acceptance criterial. I could not ignore it. I had no bias on the solution itself but was acting as an agent of the stakeholder who said, “Doing nothing is not an option”, meanwhile my bosses strategy was to “Listen to feedback, communication issues to the dedicated project team, don’t run solutions to ground.” Which I tried doing but the stakeholder rightfully forced the issue to make something happen. I said I’ll setup the meeting so that you all can hash it out….. when I asked my boss for the meeting she got all huffy puffy and said I was undermining her project. I disagreed…

Today my boss said I was undermining her project. She’s leading a massive waterfall project full of missed scope and missed deadlines. I stumbled across a part of the process that was not up to the stakeholders expectations. I coordinated the solution matrix, meetings, stakeholders and acceptance criterial. I could not ignore it. I had no bias on the solution itself but was acting as an agent of the stakeholder who said, “Doing nothing is not an option”, meanwhile my bosses strategy was to “Listen to feedback, communication issues to the dedicated project team, don’t run solutions to ground.” Which I tried doing but the stakeholder rightfully forced the issue to make something happen. I said I’ll setup the meeting so that you all can hash it out….. when I asked my boss for the meeting she got all huffy puffy and said I was undermining her project. I disagreed and we got into a heated discussion about every disfunction Ive observed and every way I’m apparently sabayon if her. I believe I was still within my mandate to provide guidance to the stakeholder without leaving them high and dry. I escalated the issue to her as the leader of the project team. But because it was yet another problem that she had thought about in her perfect waterfall plan, she lashed out at me, I.e shooting the messenger.

I promptly reported the incident to HR in a recorded video call and asked to be transferred to a different department. She showed her hand as a poor leader by lashing out at me while her dumpter fire of a project gets worse every day. Your welcome for saving that one little part of it.

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