This argument gets twisted around to give an illusion that a company owner has more at stake than an employee.
Most employees in this day usually works paycheck to paycheck with little savings even on a meager lifestyle.
The most that regular people have is a house with a mortgage and a car with payments. If an employee loses his job, he stands to get evicted or foreclosure on with no immediate funds to get into an apartment without help from the state. Not everyone has a mom to run to. They also might be up for their car being repossessed or living out of their car.
If an employee gets fired for losing customers….the worst that happens is the company goes out of business and the owner still has a place to live if he doesn't already own the home. Any lawsuits are covered by insurance mostly if the employee screws up. He might have to downgrade to a smaller house or condo. But they still have a roof over their head and food on the table.
Just because millions are lost doesn't mean percentage wise, they lost more than you. $10,000 loss to someone could mean everything that they have where is $10million loss..the guy still might have $500K leftover. And assets. The employees of the company suffer. Not the owner.
So whenever an owner claims “I have a lot at stake”l,. Remind them of how much more you will lose in life compared to them.
And if they are still ungrateful for what they got in life after hearing that… Then maybe they deserve to lose most of it.
Hard facts. They don't have to like it, but it's still a fact.