
Unemployment in canada

Honestly one of my biggest beefs in canada is the EI system. It's okay money but the cut offs for repayment is ridiculous. I claimed it once in my life and never again. Come fax time I had repay back 100% of the month of EI I took because of my yearly salary. And if you make over 60k roughly you need to pay back 30%. The one that absolutely made me rage was years ago my father was terminated after 33 years with no severance. He initially was declined but we appealed and they approved it as it wasn't a just firing. After a year of dealing with lawyers they settled. My dad didn't take EI his entire working career. Not once. He was on it for the 9 months as couldn't find a job as a 65 year old. Well, once the government found out he got a…

Honestly one of my biggest beefs in canada is the EI system. It's okay money but the cut offs for repayment is ridiculous. I claimed it once in my life and never again. Come fax time I had repay back 100% of the month of EI I took because of my yearly salary. And if you make over 60k roughly you need to pay back 30%.

The one that absolutely made me rage was years ago my father was terminated after 33 years with no severance. He initially was declined but we appealed and they approved it as it wasn't a just firing. After a year of dealing with lawyers they settled. My dad didn't take EI his entire working career. Not once. He was on it for the 9 months as couldn't find a job as a 65 year old. Well, once the government found out he got a settlement they made him pay back every single cent.

How is that even possible. What's the point of it then? Christ almighty. I'd get if he had to pay a little but to pay back entirely all of it?

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