
Unethical corporate ladder climbing

Forgive me if this isn’t the correct sub to post this in, but I thought y’all would be the right audience to entertain my idea. I work in social media management but find climbing up the ladder and making a livable wage impossible. I can’t break 50k, nor can I land a job with benefits. I’m good at what I do and I know I can succeed if given the opportunity but my resume seems to get tossed out left and right. I’ve got a unique full name, so much so that only 3 people in the U.S share it. Another person that shares my name is a marketing director in another state across the country. I contemplate the possibility of reaching out to his former university in an attempt to get transcripts to at least, on paper, have a relevant degree. (Easier said than done, they probably require sensitive…

Forgive me if this isn’t the correct sub to post this in, but I thought y’all would be the right audience to entertain my idea.

I work in social media management but find climbing up the ladder and making a livable wage impossible. I can’t break 50k, nor can I land a job with benefits. I’m good at what I do and I know I can succeed if given the opportunity but my resume seems to get tossed out left and right.

I’ve got a unique full name, so much so that only 3 people in the U.S share it. Another person that shares my name is a marketing director in another state across the country.

I contemplate the possibility of reaching out to his former university in an attempt to get transcripts to at least, on paper, have a relevant degree. (Easier said than done, they probably require sensitive info I don’t have SS # or student ID, but haven’t looked into it yet.) Or, simply fake my resume to align with his experience.

We all lie on our resumes. What’s the likelihood I get busted. Once I’m in a job I’m in and the worst they can do is fire me. I just need to open up so more doors

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