
Unexplained Delay in a Pay Raise

Okay, so some quick background on the situation. I have worked for this company since June 22 and have been doing a lot of training this year with someone else in my company who does what I do as well. Overall, my performance has improved a lot over the last year and I was looking to get a raise to have my wage reflect the importance of what I do for the company and also be competitive in the field I work in. The company I work for has a huge turnover rate, and I know they would have a very hard time replacing me at this point. during my time there, i have probably seen 20-30 people start, and quit working for my company. Again, i have not even been there for a year and a half. Also, what I do is a very specific operation within the company…

Okay, so some quick background on the situation. I have worked for this company since June 22 and have been doing a lot of training this year with someone else in my company who does what I do as well. Overall, my performance has improved a lot over the last year and I was looking to get a raise to have my wage reflect the importance of what I do for the company and also be competitive in the field I work in. The company I work for has a huge turnover rate, and I know they would have a very hard time replacing me at this point. during my time there, i have probably seen 20-30 people start, and quit working for my company. Again, i have not even been there for a year and a half. Also, what I do is a very specific operation within the company and have been essentially a one man team for my entire time here up until June of this year when I was given someone to start train/help me with all the increased amount of work the company was giving me as well.

Well, I had a meeting with my direct manager, my operations manager, and an upper management manager who is in charge of running all operations across all the states the company operates in. This meeting took place on July 20th of this year. during the meeting, they all agreed i deserved a raise, and they would work on getting me what I deserved. I was not told at that time what my new wage would be. It has now been 2 months, and i still do not know what my new wage is going to be. I know I am getting a raise, as i have been reassured of that, but 2 months seems like an abnormally long time to approve a raise for a single employee. What i do know, is that my direct manager, and operations manager, did not send the email requesting my raise until August 16th, nearly a month later, and after i called both of them on August 14th requesting an update. Which I blame entirely on them being incompetent managers, who do not care about me, and were possibly even being purposely negelegent to save the company money. Anyway, my final concern is if asking for backpay is too much? I dont plan on working for this company for another 2 years, so I do not care much about long-term views the company might have of me. I do not want to lose my job either. I think I want to send an email to get something in writing and to ask for a date of when i will get my raise so any later then that they would have to start giving me backpay, right?

Please help, any and all advice on the situation would be helpful!!!

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