
Unfair and Toxic Workplace

Hello, I (24M) have been working in an international mining company based here in the Philippines. A short background about me and the company. Last year, I applied for the Jr. position at my current company. I was chosen. However, they merely offered a Cadet(trainee) position since they said that I only had 6 months of experience. This boggled my mind since from my previous company I was already holding a Jr. Position. They told me that I had to work for 6 months in order to comply for the junior position experience requirement. Despite hesitations I agreed with the offer. Even though I was only holding a cadet role they have not provided any training and immediately sent me to work. I was doing really well at my job I was able to do the job of the senior after he resigned. After the 6 months probationary period, I…


I (24M) have been working in an international mining company based here in the Philippines.

A short background about me and the company. Last year, I applied for the Jr. position at my current company. I was chosen. However, they merely offered a Cadet(trainee) position since they said that I only had 6 months of experience. This boggled my mind since from my previous company I was already holding a Jr. Position. They told me that I had to work for 6 months in order to comply for the junior position experience requirement. Despite hesitations I agreed with the offer.

Even though I was only holding a cadet role they have not provided any training and immediately sent me to work. I was doing really well at my job I was able to do the job of the senior after he resigned.

After the 6 months probationary period, I was really hopeful I would get the junior position because of my performance and since I have already complied with the requirement. In the evaluation sheet that my boss has given it indicated that he is recommending to promote me to the junior position. However, the HR given me an ACTING Junior position. Which is pure BS since that position never existed.

I had no choice since I was also the breadwinner of our family I had to sign that sht contract.

A few months after, more senior left the company. They chose me to handle a more critical role in production making me the key person incharge in our operations, new role but no promotion. I accepted since I know that I will have a lot of learnings once I have a full grasp fro that position. I was doing the job of a senior again despite my Acting Junior position.

This kept me up at night how unfair the situation has been and that they were only using my capabilities. Then, I decided to talk to our boss. I asked them if there were issues regarding my performance. I asked them what was I lacking and why can't they give me the promotion that I deserve. My boss held me in High Regard and said he will try again to discuss my promotion with hr and management. What happened next really frustrated me, the next day they were able to process my promotion for the junior position and give me the promotion.

A few weeks had passed, I was on a vacation then and I when I comeback I was informed that they have hired a junior. I asked around about the credentials of the junior, I found out that this junior had no freaking experience. And they gave him 6 months to train the ropes in our job. Which was not afforded to me even though I have went through the Cadet(trainee) position.

After his training, when assigned to us he still doesn't know what he is doing. I tried not saying anything regarding his performance since it would make me sound bitter. However, all of our colleagues were already complaining because he has a lot of mistakes and we have to do damage control all the time. Even our bosses caught wind of this and they were disappointed in him.

I confronted my boss about how unfair the situation is, and that I only wanted an explanation why I had to go through hell and back just to become junior and this new guy was served the junior position on a silver platter. My boss just said that he has plans for me and that what happened is that I was merely a “victim of circumstance” since when I was hired there were still a lot of seniors and when the new guy was hired there were none left.

My plans right now, is I am just waiting for the evaluation this October. If they give me a promotion I will stay for at most a year. If otherwise, I will leave on January after I get my production bonus and Christmas bonus.

I am writing this to get this off my chest. I also hope you could give me an advice on this.

P.S. I am having a hard time resigning because This company is already the best in our country. Although I am trying to apply abroad. However, no updates yet.

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