
Unfair and unjustified treatment

Alrighty, I’m about to go off on a bit of a tangent here not so much asking for advice but just simply venting and ranting, perhaps someone has something to say about this. Okay so, I’ve been in this company for about a year and a half now. There was a lot of challenges in the beginning due to me taking a bit more time to learn all of their procedures and what not, but to be honest I already knew the majority coming into it from 10 years of experience in a similar job setting and to go back a bit, the past boss was just toxic and harsh, sometimes literally towards everyone or certain people if they did something minor wrong. Eventually someone complained and had enough of past boss and asked me and others if I would support her to the owner which I did, and allow…

Alrighty, I’m about to go off on a bit of a tangent here not so much asking for advice but just simply venting and ranting, perhaps someone has something to say about this.

Okay so, I’ve been in this company for about a year and a half now. There was a lot of challenges in the beginning due to me taking a bit more time to learn all of their procedures and what not, but to be honest I already knew the majority coming into it from 10 years of experience in a similar job setting and to go back a bit, the past boss was just toxic and harsh, sometimes literally towards everyone or certain people if they did something minor wrong.

Eventually someone complained and had enough of past boss and asked me and others if I would support her to the owner which I did, and allow and behold it wasn’t long before she was demoted and moved to another department and I never saw her again.

Moving forward we now have a new boss, which honestly seemed great at the start but now she is nitpicking and what it seems like, on me. I am for the majority of the time, always on time, work OT shifts if needed, and basically sacrifice my time and my soul to this place. I do a lot for them and now this new boss, looks down on me. She hired a few new people due to some leaving, and some of these people are routinely and I mean almost everyday late, make mistakes and the like. Yet she still seems to play “favourites” and never scolds them for their tardy or behaviour or mistakes. Also a huge amount of these people calling in sick frequently without question.

Last Monday, I was running late to work which the same day we had a meeting. I was genuinely honesty apologetic to why I was late, which she just said “ok” and nothing else. The whole meeting, she was naming names of people who had gotten the “double bonus” for October, I did everything right that month and still was not included of her “names” of people who were recognized. I ended up having a bit of a breakdown that day and one coworker who’s been with me for awhile found me crying in the bathroom (again pathetic, I know) I’ve just not been happy with my job or with life in general.

Fast forward a few days last Thursday, I was two mins late back from lunch and got bitched at by team lead because of that. Today Friday, is my only day off which I have basically spent in bed due to burnt out and not feeling well, I messaged my team lead person today because I have a therapist meeting on Tuesday and mentioned that I will have to leave early that day, when other “favourites” get to leave early whenever they want. Of course, I get asked nosy details about the appointment…

Does anyone have any advice here?

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