
Unfair Bias firing

Just got off the phone with HR today, after trying to get ahold of them for 3 days just for them to say im fired, so now i want to try to fight the decision, how should i go about it? Context- i made a glue shaped knife sculpture out of boredom, and while i was on break a coworker turn them in and reported me, next day im called and told not to come in until the investigation is over, they asked me why i did it, i said i was just bored, and that was it, they said they contact me later. a week later they leave me a voicemail to get in touch with them, i called, and no reply, for 3 days, finally this morning i make contact and HR says they are letting me go for making a “weapon”. As she said that i went…

Just got off the phone with HR today, after trying to get ahold of them for 3 days just for them to say im fired, so now i want to try to fight the decision, how should i go about it?

Context- i made a glue shaped knife sculpture out of boredom, and while i was on break a coworker turn them in and reported me, next day im called and told not to come in until the investigation is over, they asked me why i did it, i said i was just bored, and that was it, they said they contact me later. a week later they leave me a voicemail to get in touch with them, i called, and no reply, for 3 days, finally this morning i make contact and HR says they are letting me go for making a “weapon”. As she said that i went on to explain how people did worse things and were not fired, and how one of them committed workplace sabotage and he's still working there, and her reply was “you didn't tell me about that” (i filed the paperwork complaints and everything, and the guy still works there)

I asked for a phone number for corporate to challenge the decision, and she tried telling me everything's already done, and there was nothing i could do.

dont wanna mention the company name directly, but lets just say its, “her” favorite chocolate company

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