
Unfortunately, I think I need to get a company job. So, how do I search for work these days?

I haven't looked for a new job in 25 years and the last job I found was through just driving to some plants and walking in to fill out an application. Well, it took me half a day to find that job. After 20 yrs I left it to work for myself, about 5 yrs ago. Our living situation became much more complicated over the last year and I think it is time to find another company job. I am in the process of writing my resume now, but my question is: how do I look for work now? I used to have a LinkedIn account, but I canceled that years ago. I also read a lot of bad things about linkedin and indeed on here, so how do people find jobs now? Is driving from plant to plant and applying in person still a viable choice? Do I go…

I haven't looked for a new job in 25 years and the last job I found was through just driving to some plants and walking in to fill out an application. Well, it took me half a day to find that job. After 20 yrs I left it to work for myself, about 5 yrs ago. Our living situation became much more complicated over the last year and I think it is time to find another company job. I am in the process of writing my resume now, but my question is: how do I look for work now? I used to have a LinkedIn account, but I canceled that years ago. I also read a lot of bad things about linkedin and indeed on here, so how do people find jobs now? Is driving from plant to plant and applying in person still a viable choice? Do I go through a shitty temp service? Do I post my resume on Craigslist? Are there any decent job search sites? Do I just dump my resume on as many websites as I can find? Do i do all of these? Common sense tells me do all of the a ove, but search engine tells me networking is best way, but i dont have time to network. I am just looking to see how you guys find jobs in this new age of information technology. I hope that this is appropriate for this sub and many thanks for any suggestions or recommendations. If it matters, I am looking for work in an industrial production setting as my background and experience is in industrial equipment maintenance, engineering, and management, and i don't have a college degree.

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