
Union Pros vs. Cons

So our plant owner made a threat or claim that if we were to form a union he would close down the plant. My coworker has mentioned to me multiple times when I have made comments about or mentioned unionizing that it would be horrible and strictly advocates against unions. Coworker says that his father and brother both worked jobs that formed unions and that they hated it. I've always heard unions would help advocate for things like better pay, better benefits, and other quality of life improvements. I'm curious if there is actually downsides to forming a union at your workplace and if so what are they and why would his brother and father not enjoy working at a place that unionized. Or is it successful propaganda brainwashing to have blue collar workers enjoy being taken advantage of? I just think that if unions were so bad for average…

So our plant owner made a threat or claim that if we were to form a union he would close down the plant. My coworker has mentioned to me multiple times when I have made comments about or mentioned unionizing that it would be horrible and strictly advocates against unions. Coworker says that his father and brother both worked jobs that formed unions and that they hated it. I've always heard unions would help advocate for things like better pay, better benefits, and other quality of life improvements. I'm curious if there is actually downsides to forming a union at your workplace and if so what are they and why would his brother and father not enjoy working at a place that unionized. Or is it successful propaganda brainwashing to have blue collar workers enjoy being taken advantage of? I just think that if unions were so bad for average workers then the plant owner would not be so against and scared of us forming a union..

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