
Unpaid internship getting on my nerves

Long story short I’m in my last semester of working towards my bachelors degree. I am required to complete a 400 hour internship (unpaid) which is.. I'll spare the words. Not only that, but my professor (supervisor) is an overweight, miserable little guy who does not want to sign off any hours and is constantly on my butt because I left early a few times because I have a life, three other classes, and a small business that I work on the side. I also have online classes with him once a week. I’m not doing 8 hours every day of this crap – there is no way in the world anybody can do that for free. I want to somehow safely sabotage and make other people’s lives around me at that office hell. It's been only a week and I'm already starting to be treated like I'm some kind…

Long story short I’m in my last semester of working towards my bachelors degree. I am required to complete a 400 hour internship (unpaid) which is.. I'll spare the words. Not only that, but my professor (supervisor) is an overweight, miserable little guy who does not want to sign off any hours and is constantly on my butt because I left early a few times because I have a life, three other classes, and a small business that I work on the side. I also have online classes with him once a week. I’m not doing 8 hours every day of this crap – there is no way in the world anybody can do that for free. I want to somehow safely sabotage and make other people’s lives around me at that office hell. It's been only a week and I'm already starting to be treated like I'm some kind of subhuman and all I get is snarky responses when I ask questions and ask if anybody needs help. Someone already snitched on me because of some really stupid thing.

I already recorded my professor talking smack about other workers, his future wife and the upcoming wedding and how he does not even care about marrying her. What other things can I do to make this office hell for my professor and some other workers there but also not get in too much trouble? I'm an unpaid intern so I have the leverage there. I do not care about networking with these people or working there. I just need my hours for the course in my college. Thanks.

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