
Unpaid overtime, different chores than the job description.

Hi. Throwaway account for multiple reasons. I’d like to mention that I’m not based in the USA. I’m in Europe. Germany specifically. All started this year in July when I got hired as a dishwasher in one restaraunt. Prior to calling and accepting the job offer, I was never told that I will be working 60 hours a week. 20 of those which are unpaid. I’ve agreed to 40 hours as I’ve signed the contract. I make 12.85€ Brutto an hour. We work 6 days a week, (9 and half hours every day and Sundays 13 hours), all without a proper lunch break. But ok. As weeks have gone by, my boss would slowly try to get me to come earlier 1 hour to work than I’m scheduled to come, sometimes stay 1 hour or 2 hours longer to polish the silverware if that day we had more work than…

Hi. Throwaway account for multiple reasons.

I’d like to mention that I’m not based in the USA. I’m in Europe. Germany specifically.
All started this year in July when I got hired as a dishwasher in one restaraunt. Prior to calling and accepting the job offer, I was never told that I will be working 60 hours a week. 20 of those which are unpaid. I’ve agreed to 40 hours as I’ve signed the contract. I make 12.85€ Brutto an hour. We work 6 days a week, (9 and half hours every day and Sundays 13 hours), all without a proper lunch break. But ok. As weeks have gone by, my boss would slowly try to get me to come earlier 1 hour to work than I’m scheduled to come, sometimes stay 1 hour or 2 hours longer to polish the silverware if that day we had more work than expected. Now he’s pushing me to go to the laundry room and iron the dirty sheets, cloth, pillow cases etc. Then he’s making me go to rooms and help out the maids to clean over 30 rooms then go back to the kitchen when the storm of plates and platters is happening and clean everything up ALONE because he sent another dishwasher home (his excuse is that there wasn’t work for more than 2 people, even though we had 450 reservations for the day!). Keep in mind I’ve never agreed nor have experience in the housekeeping. Just for the last Sunday for him to wait for me in front of the restaraunt and ask me “Why did you leave your workplace? There’s still a box full of silverware to polish.” After it was 10:30 pm and my shift starts at 10 am and ends at 10 pm on the dot.

Had to rant.

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